My parents went out on field service Xmas eve and my mum wore a long bright red coat. She looked like Mrs Santa!
She said every householder had been nice to them and wished them a merry xmas (they obviously ignored the content of the mags which probably denounced xmas)
I think she might have done it on purpose cos even though she's a staunch JW she doesn't really enjoy field service at the best of times and the coat made her appearance on the doorstep at Xmas a bit more bearable.
New Worldly Translation
JoinedPosts by New Worldly Translation
Knocking on Doors on Holidays
by Medic!? indid anyone else's congregation "strongly encourage" this practice?
when i was a worshiping rusell.... jehovah.
i felt sick to my stomach and disgusted that these people had absolutely no consideration for the beliefs or practices of others.
New Worldly Translation
Prince Thanks "Jehovah God" on BET Awards Tonight...
by owenfieldreams injust watched it about an hour ago.
i know that it's old news that he got involved with the organization while his career was basically in a free fall, but now that he is enjoying some success again, i am very surprised that he is still claiming to even be a jw.
New Worldly Translation
On a general point this habit of thanking god for awards, sporting achievements etc seems to be real American affliction recently. It really gets on my bloody nerves
I'm sure the founding fathers of the US like Franklin, Jefferson, Adams, Madison, Paine would turn in their graves at the thought of US citizens enjoying the freedoms they inaugorated slipping out of the enlightenment into unthinking religiosity and vaingloriously invoking god as reasons for their success and thereby damning their fellow contestants to be lesser people and unworthy of the godly help they received. -
Is there such thing as a true belief?
by The Dragon inor does the belief turn into truth once proven and verified?
New Worldly Translation
A BBC series on the history of Atheism that's currently on youtube discussed 'belief' and the meaning of it. Unfortunately I can't remember which episode the discussion was in. It's an interesting set of programs though and well worth a watch.
What Is This?
by Blueblades inrecently certain words in our topics have been highlighted and underlined.
what is the reason for it?
it becomes a link to the underlined and highlighted word.
New Worldly Translation
It's called in-text advertising. The idea is it's less intrusive to the look and feel of the website than banner ads or google footers etc. Or you could use both like on JWD
It will all help Simon pay for the hosting fees and stuff.
Transformers - The Movie
by Jourles inthe new teaser trailer is out.
you can watch it here.. i admit i was a transformers kid.
that cartoon kicked ass.
New Worldly Translation
Looks pretty cool. Although the words Michael Bay and Alex Kurtzman don't fill me with great confidence hopefully Spielberg can keep them in line.
I always thought the Transformers toys were the best but the Gobots series had better animation.
New Worldly Translation
Like all prohecies
Morton Edgar's 1924 Pyramid books--PDFs!
by cabasilas inhe is better known for his collaboration with his brother dr john edgar in the 2 volume set "great pyramid passages.
" those 2 volumes were published during c.t.
russell's lifetime and then were subsequently reprinted (with some revisions) in 1923. the edgar brothers wrote in support of the idea that the great pyramid confirmed russell's "divine plan" and also corroborated russell's chronology.
New Worldly Translation
Very interesting post Cabasilas. I knew Russell was into pyramids but didn't know it carried on well into Rutherfords time.
I had to laugh at the Golden Age PDF you linked to. The first paragraph has a statement by Ben Franklin about technological progress and future morality and the mag says it's a prophetic inspiration based on statements in the bible!
This from one of the leading intellects of the enlightenment who rejected religion and the bible and who argued morality was seperate from both.Looks like the WBTS has never changed it's ways in misquoting authorities to serve it's own agenda.
this doesnt seem quite right to me.
by wonderingkid inmy grandmother and grandfather are both jehovah's witnesses.. i dont understand much about their religion just that they dont celebrate holidays such as christmas.. well today i went over to their house for a visit since they live 2 hours away and my cousins were there too.. we were all in the kitchen eating cookies and my brother said that we baked cookies but ours were for santa clause.
well then my grandma said that she doesnt celebrate christmas and she doesnt believe in santa.
so i say "well i do" and she says "well that means youre naiive and decieved".
New Worldly Translation
Sounds a lot like my grandma too Wonderingkid
Like has been said it's all part of the programming JW's have to give them the illusion of seperateness from 'worldly' people they see as being under the devil. As I wrote that it sounded preposterous, and it is, but it's what they believe. And I did too years ago.
Blackswan's suggestion of talking to your mom and dad is a good one. I'm assuming they may have come across this issue in the past and know how to deal with it.
The way I think of it is that holidays are like full moons to JW's and they go a bit loony. Leave them to their own devices for those days and get back to them when it's finished and they'll be back to normal, or as normal as they can be.
DoomsDay as near as 2007
by TopHat ini was shocked my sister-in-law actually believes this doomsday nonsense..
New Worldly Translation
Don't tell Pastor Harry but 666 is a mistranslation. It should be 616.
Could satan be the good guy?
by LtCmd.Lore inwell i'm an atheist, so now i can feel free to think whatever i want without getting struck by lightning.
but i've been playing with this idea for quite a while:.
is satan just looking out for the poor little humans?
New Worldly Translation
The actual text of Genesis doesn't equate the serpent who tempted Eve with Satan or a Devilish figure. In fact in the whole OT the concept of Satan is kind of shadowy. He isn't a fully formed character but more a concept of the opposition to Jehovah's will.
It's not till the NT that a familiar Devil character shows up, which was borrowed from the mythologies and philosophies of the nations round about during the 400 years up to Jesus. Then it took the Catholic church to really put the evilness in to Satan the Devil.
So yeah, Satan gets a raw deal. He keeps getting blamed for stuff he didn't do.